Artist Journalists
Sunday July 17, 2016 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Mt Pleasant Branch of the DC Public Library
3160 16th Street NW
Mass media no longer exists and real time reporting has destroyed the news cycle. What does it mean when artists are also journalists? Visit with four practitioners and share your thoughts about the role of expert opinion, independent opinion, and self-promotion in the arts.
Lenny Campello (Artist, Curator, and author of DC Art News blog)
Jenn Larsen (Artist at Dog and Pony and co-founder of WeLoveDC magazine)
JT Kirkland (Artist and author of Thinking About Art blog)
John Stoltenberg (Playwright and publisher of DC Metro Theater Arts.)
*** RSVP on the Facebook Event ***
This panel event is co-produced with DC Art News and will be moderated by Fellow Jonelle Walker.
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